Clothing Needs
We always welcome donations of age-appropriate used clothing, however, for the needs appearing on this list,
we request only NEW, store-bought items in their original packaging.
we request only NEW, store-bought items in their original packaging.
Bras - Sizes Small to Extra Large.
Crew socks - Men's and Older Boys' Sizes.
Ankle Socks - 1 to 2" cuff, Men's and Women's (See Illustration to right)
White towels and wash clothes
Tank or Sleeveless Undershirts - White.
Sizes: Boys' - S to XL
Men's- S to XL (Men's and Boys T-Shirts - S to XL
Men's and Boys' Pants - Size 8 kids to adult sizes.
Colors - Khaki, tan, blue or black.
Girls' Pants - Size 8 and up.
Bras - Sizes Small to Extra Large.
Crew socks - Men's and Older Boys' Sizes.
Ankle Socks - 1 to 2" cuff, Men's and Women's (See Illustration to right)
White towels and wash clothes
Tank or Sleeveless Undershirts - White.
Sizes: Boys' - S to XL
Men's- S to XL (Men's and Boys T-Shirts - S to XL
Men's and Boys' Pants - Size 8 kids to adult sizes.
Colors - Khaki, tan, blue or black.
Girls' Pants - Size 8 and up.
Food Needs
Occasionally, we list items by brand name so our donors will know exactly what items we're needing, but store brands and generic items are always received here with gratitude!
Foster Care Needs
- Diapers - Sizes 4 and 6
- Pullups - Sizes 4T and 5T
- Toddler-sized shoes for boys and girls
- Child-sized Clothes Hangers
Food Run
Children’s Homes, Inc. has a monthly truck route to visit congregations who collect non-perishable food items for donation. If your congregation is interested in joining our food route or would like more information, please call KaLynn Poe at 870-239-4031, ext. 129 or at [email protected].
Children’s Homes, Inc. has a monthly truck route to visit congregations who collect non-perishable food items for donation. If your congregation is interested in joining our food route or would like more information, please call KaLynn Poe at 870-239-4031, ext. 129 or at [email protected].
Amazon Wish List
At the suggestion of some of our supporters, we maintain a wish list on Amazon, which simplifies the process of donating needed items. Interested donors may browse a list, and purchase items, which will be shipped directly to Children's Homes, Inc. To find the list on Amazon you may either search for 'Children's Homes inc. Needs' or click the button below. Note: Items on the wish list are often brand name items, because it is what is available on Amazon. We still cheerfully welcome generic items.
At the suggestion of some of our supporters, we maintain a wish list on Amazon, which simplifies the process of donating needed items. Interested donors may browse a list, and purchase items, which will be shipped directly to Children's Homes, Inc. To find the list on Amazon you may either search for 'Children's Homes inc. Needs' or click the button below. Note: Items on the wish list are often brand name items, because it is what is available on Amazon. We still cheerfully welcome generic items.